Xalte Alternative Assets

Xalte enables equity-based investments and trading of alternative assets for Art, Collectibles & Memorabilia, and Vehicles

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Art is… beauty that transcends time
Xalte curates art listings that range from iconic masterpieces of historical notoriety and recognition to contemporary pieces of cultural significance in today’s globalized society.
An art gallery displays colorful paintings of landscapes, still life, and portraits. Fine art and original photographs are investible alternative assets.
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Collectibles & Memorabilia are… objects to achieve passions
Xalte assembles collectible & memorabilia listings that range from pristine sports cards to items that spark memories of historical events.
A glass case displays historic baseball and other sports memorabilia.   Collectibles and other memorabilia ignite passion of alternative assets investing.
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Vehicles are… drivers of exclusive value
Xalte drives vehicle listings that range from specialty vehicles to limited edition antiques and supercars.
A vintage, green racecar on display in a museum highlights vehicles as a valuable alternative asset category.

How It Works

Xalte creates efficiency and transparency through a new regulated and tradeable asset class to industrialize the availability of alternative assets on a national securities exchange



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the most iconic and priceless assets from Xalte's constant pursuit of what matters most to investors. Inquiries are processed from collectors, galleries, and museums to guide them through the listing process.

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each asset through defined processes confirm the assets authenticity and current ownership. Xalte partners with independent third parties throughout this process.

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assets via third party appraisals, insurance coverage, and evaluation of market demand unlocks liquidity for asset owners while securitizing investments for traders.



Registering icon


assets is part of the process of confirming the legal rights of ownership and intent to list the asset. Business entities may be required for the legal representation and securitization of the asset.

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each asset with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) confirms that the offering circular meets regulatory requirements to proceed to underwriting.

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the asset into the published quantity of shares enables pre-sale allocation and subsequent trading on the national securities exchange. Modern technologies are used to manage open market transparency.



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fulfills passion-driven and investment diversification objectives for the benefit of ownership of alternative assets.

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pre-sale shares at a fixed price is available to members of the Xalte community prior to the asset transition to the national securities exchange.

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assets through a national best bid (NBB) approach matches buy/sell orders in a liquid market. Traders view bid/ask quotes and enter orders with controls for type, price, and duration.



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assets is required for investor confidence and security. Xalte provides visibility to the status of storage, physical maintenance, and general upkeep requirements.

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an asset includes the ability to display.  Xalte coordinates secured transfer of physical assets for public and private access and appreciation.



the asset is required for continued exchange listing. Xalte's procedures enable trader confidence through periodic audits and demonstrated regulatory compliance.

Identifying icon


the most iconic and priceless assets from Xalte's constant pursuit of what matters most to investors. Inquiries are processed from collectors, galleries, and museums to guide them through the listing process.

Verifying icon


each asset through defined processes confirm the assets authenticity and current ownership. Xalte partners with independent third parties throughout this process.

Valuing icon


assets via third party appraisals, insurance coverage, and evaluation of market demand unlocks liquidity for asset owners while securitizing investments for traders.

Registering icon


assets is part of the process of confirming the legal rights of ownership and intent to list the asset. Business entities may be required for the legal representation and securitization of the asset.

Qualifying icon


each asset with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) confirms that the offering circular meets regulatory requirements to proceed to underwriting.

Securitizing icon


the asset into the published quantity of shares enables pre-sale allocation and subsequent trading on the national securities exchange.  Modern technologies are used to manage open market transparency.

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fulfills passion-driven and investment diversification objectives for the benefit of ownership of alternative assets.

Allocating icon


pre-sale shares at a fixed price is available to members of the Xalte community prior to the asset transition to the national securities exchange.

Exchanging icon


assets through a national best bid (NBB) approach matches buy/sell orders in a liquid market. Traders view bid/ask quotes and enter orders with controls for type, price, and duration.

Maintaining icon


assets is required for investor confidence and security. Xalte provides visibility to the status of storage, physical maintenance, and general upkeep requirements.

Utilizing icon


an asset includes the ability to display. Xalte coordinates secured transfer of physical assets for public and private access and appreciation.



the asset is required for continued exchange listing. Xalte's procedures enable trader confidence through periodic audits and demonstrated regulatory compliance.

Discover available listings


Invest in equities


Maintain for history


Diversify portfolios and invest in passions

Xalte Alternatives Solutions

Introducing four proprietary solutions to streamline trading of alternative assets as equities

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Xalte Securities Identification Portal

Manages repository of qualitative and quantitative attributes of the physical assets and listed securities for investor research and education

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Xalte Alternatives Investment Portal

Enables open participation of global investors for the initial acquisition of shares, continued exchange trading, and portfolio management

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Xalte Alternatives Financial Products

Leverages contract-driven asset owner agreement and Total Return Swap to qualify assets as equities for public market listing

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Xalte Asset Management Portal

Facilitates end-to-end engagement with Asset Owners / Holders for physical asset curation, registration, and lifecycle management

Xalte Alternative Offerings

Xalte’s advisory services and technical solutions enhance our financial products for the global market​

Asset Management

Valuation & Listing

Coordinates appraisal valuation and comparable benchmarks, qualification of asset for public market listing, and initial share allocation

Compliance & Maintenance

Identifies requirements to sustain qualified listing and monitors published maintenance throughout the asset lifecycle

Physical Asset Transfer

Facilitates custodial transition of a physical asset, including legal and maintenance obligations, from the existing asset owner to a third-party

Asset Showcase & Logistics

Manages logistics associated with public and private exhibition of the asset while preserving a secure environment

Key Benefits

Proprietary methodologies, products, and applications streamline trading of alternative assets to benefit Xalte’s stakeholder community



Securitized alternative assets listed on a national securities exchange are regulated by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (U.S. SEC).



Listing with a national securities exchange provides liquidity support and open market price discovery for trade execution.



Iconic assets are available for public market trading to reinvent and diversify investment portfolios.



Descriptions, historical facts, and supporting data of individual assets can be explored through search and filter capabilities.

Asset Owners & Asset Holders

  • Retain possession of physical asset
  • Unlock liquidity from initial equity sales and public market trading
  • Position initial offering price and discover demand-based market valuation


  • Manage Portfolio by exploring assets available for investment and trade
  • Obtain exposure to diversity of global assets previously limited to single buyers
  • Access liquid markets via simplified & secure transactions from existing brokerage accounts

Industry Participants

  • Partner with Xalte Alternative Assets throughout the qualification and listing processes
  • Explore consolidated catalogue of alternative assets available for industry exhibitions
  • Gain opportunities for lifecycle verification and maintenance services

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Xalte Alternative Assets?

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